

bwin体育大学 Core Values

With Christ as King and under scripture, we:

  • 优雅地服侍
  • 追求敬虔的智慧
  • Foster academic strength
  • Engage culture faithfully
  • Inspire vibrant hospitality
  • 互相尊重
Crown and Bible Element

The Heart of bwin体育大学


开发, provide and maintain a Christian institution of higher education emphasizing the liberal arts and certain professional fields within the context of a biblical view of life and the world as expressed in the Westminster Standards and the testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, open to men and women of any race and faith.


bwin体育大学 is a Christ-centered academic community that provides a 全面的教育 to equip students for faithful and fruitful service to God and neighbor.

bwin体育大学′s mission is student-focused, 强调基督, 全面的教育, and service to God and neighbor. This is consistent with the college′s charter, bylaws and 的基本概念 of Christian Education, as well as Geneva′s historic motto, Pro Christo et Patria (For Christ and Country).


bwin体育大学 will be known nationally for advancing integration of faith and learning under Christ and His word, preparing students for courageous engagement throughout their life’s work.

Three Year Strategic Narrative

We envision a college where a committed student body discovers how to integrate faith and life through an innovative curriculum taught in a vibrant faith community, where people from every nation, 部落, and language come into a culture that will disciple them for a deeper walk with Christ and greater kingdom impact. People want to work here, financial partners want to give here, and board members want to serve here. This college understands its unique place in Christian higher education and attracts students through the strength of its faculty, commitment to its core principles, outstanding degree offerings and quality facilities. 结果是, new students are eager to come, current students are eager to learn, and graduates are eager to give back. This college is financially sound, biblically grounded and inspired by a Christ-centered, Spirit-led vision that unites the entire school community.

Three Year Strategic Goals

  1. 招生 & MARKETING: By June 2024, bwin体育大学 will be successfully marketing its distinctive brand as a leader in faith-life integration to its target audiences, resulting in steady enrollment growth of a student body representing the full spectrum of the kingdom of God in nationality, 种族, 和颜色.
  2. CAPITAL STEWARDSHIP: By June 2024, bwin体育大学 will address capital priorities (including renovation/ deferred maintenance, 养老, and new construction) through the annual capital budget and by launching a comprehensive campaign to advance the ten-year vision.
  3. FACULTY AS THOUGHT LEADERS: By June 2024, bwin体育大学 faculty will be known in the broader Christian community as thought leaders in integration of faith and learning in Christian education, equipping students to be emerging leaders in thinking from a Biblical view of life and the world.
  4. VOCATIONAL FAITH-LIFE INTEGRATION CENTER: By June 2024, bwin体育大学 will have established a Center for Vocational Faith-生活 Integration focused on preparing students in every academic major offered by the College to walk a biblical view of life and the world into the marketplace
  5. ALUMNI ENGAGEMENT NETWORK: By June 2024, bwin体育大学 will build an engaged alumni network that facilitates strategic connections between alumni and current students, provides alumni with meaningful opportunities to participate in the life and work of the College, and which allows for a more robust local and global alumni community.


Through purposeful learning in a community reflecting the full spectrum of God’s kingdom, a bwin体育大学 experience inspires students to discover a faith-life calling in service to God and neighbor.

A Ministry of Education

Geneva students understand they’re created for a purpose. 有上帝的形象. To boldly follow his call in service to others. To live their faith fully and intentionally.

We’re on a journey of discovery here, and you’ll be part of that journey, too. Integrating faith and learning. Thinking constructively and creatively. We seek God’s design in all things and welcome one another wholeheartedly.

Together we are inspired to learn, grow, and discern all that we are created to be and do. And to discover the compelling significance of God’s calling.


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